'){ $received[$socketId] = substr($received[$socketId],0,-5); $this->handleData($this->connected[(int)$socket],$received[$socketId]); $received[$socketId] = ''; } } function onClientConnected($socket) { $this->log('New client connected: ' . $socket); $client = new ClientDevice(); $client->socket= $socket; $client->id= (int)$socket; $client->name = 'Client '.count($this->clients); $this->connected[(int)$socket] = $client; } function onClientDisconnected($socket) { $client = $this->connected[(int)$socket]; $this->log($client->type.' - '.$client->location . ' disconnected'); unset($this->connected[(int)$socket]); $this->clientdisconnected($client); //$this->sendBroadcast($socket . ' left the room'); } function handleData($client,$data){ $this->log("Try to parse received data : ".$data); try{ $datas = explode('',$data); foreach($datas as $data){ $_ = json_decode($data,true); if(!$_) throw new Exception("Unable to parse data : ".$data); if(!isset($_['action'])) $_['action'] = ''; $this->log("Parsed action : ".$_['action']); switch($_['action']){ case 'TALK': $this->talkAnimate(); $this->talk($_['parameter']); break; case 'TALK_FINISHED': $this->muteAnimate(); break; case 'EMOTION': $this->emotion($_['parameter']); break; case 'IMAGE': $this->image($_['parameter']); break; case 'SOUND': $this->sound($_['parameter']); break; case 'EXECUTE': $this->execute($_['parameter']); break; case 'CLIENT_INFOS': $client->type = $_['type']; $client->location = $_['location']; $userManager = new User(); $myUser = $userManager->load(array('token'=>$_['token'])); if(isset($myUser) && $myUser!=false) $myUser->loadRight(); $client->user = (!$myUser?new User():$myUser); $this->log('setting infos '.$client->type.' - '.$client->location.' for '.$client->name.' with user:'.$client->user->getLogin()); $this->clientConnected($client); break; case 'GET_SPEECH_COMMANDS': $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response,YANA_URL)); $commands = array(); foreach($response['commands'] as $command){ unset($command['url']); $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket,'{"action":"ADD_COMMAND","command":'.json_encode($command).'}'); } $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket,'{"action":"UPDATE_COMMANDS"}'); break; case 'GET_CONNECTED_CLIENTS': $response = array(); foreach($this->connected as $id=>$cli){ $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket,'{"action":"clientConnected","client":{"type":"'.$cli->type.'","location":"'.$cli->location.'","user":"'.($cli->user!=null && is_object($cli->user)?$cli->user->getLogin():'Anonyme').'"}}'); } break; case 'CATCH_COMMAND': $response = ""; $this->log("Call listen hook (v2.0 plugins) with params ".$_['command']." > ".$_['text']." > ".$_['confidence']); Plugin::callHook('listen',array($_['command'],trim(str_replace($_['command'],'',$_['text'])),$_['confidence'],$client->user)); break; case '': default: //$this->talk("Coucou"); //$this->sound("C:/poule.wav"); //$this->execute("C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe"); $this->log($client->name.'('.$client->type.') send '.$data); break; } $this->updateClient($client); } }catch(Exception $e){ $this->log("ERROR : ".$e->getMessage()); } //system('php '.realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'\action.php '.$json['action'],$out); //$this->send($socket,$out); } function updateClient($client){ $this->connected[$client->id] = $client; } public function sound($message,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('speak'); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $this->send($socket,'{"action":"sound","file":"'.str_replace('\\','/',$message).'"}'); } } public function talk($message,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('speak'); $this->log("TALK : Try to send ".$message." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $this->log("send ".'{"action":"talk","message":"'.$message.'"} to '.$client->name); $this->send($socket,'{"action":"talk","message":"'.$message.'"}'); } } public function clientConnected($new_client,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); //$this->log("CONNECTED : Try to send ".$emotion." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ if($client->id == $new_client->id) continue; $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"clientConnected","client":{"type":"'.$new_client->type.'","location":"'.$new_client->location.'","user":"'.($new_client->user!=null && is_object($new_client->user)?$new_client->user->getLogin():'Anonyme').'"}}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function clientDisconnected($new_client,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); //$this->log("CONNECTED : Try to send ".$emotion." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"clientDisconnected","client":{"type":"'.$new_client->type.'","location":"'.$new_client->location.'"}}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function emotion($emotion,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); $this->log("EMOTION : Try to send ".$emotion." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"emotion","type":"'.$emotion.'"}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function image($image,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); $this->log("IMAGE : Try to send ".$image." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"image","url":"'.$image.'"}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function talkAnimate($clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); $this->log("TALK ANIMATION : Try to send ".$emotion." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"talk"}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function muteAnimate($clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('face'); $this->log("MUTE ANIMATION : Try to send ".$emotion." to ".count($clients)." clients"); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $packet = '{"action":"mute"}'; $this->log("send ".$packet." to ".$client->name); $this->send($socket,$packet); } } public function url($message,$clients=array()){ echo "Envois de l\'url".$message; if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('speak'); if(count($clients)==0) return; foreach($clients as $client){ //$client = $clients[0]; $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $this->log("url ".'{"action":"url","url":"'.$message.'"} to '.$client->name); $this->send($socket,'{"action":"url","url":"'.$message.'"}'); } } public function execute($message,$clients=array()){ if(count($clients)==0) $clients = $this->getByType('speak'); foreach($clients as $client){ $socket = $this->connected[$client->id]->socket; $this->log("send ".'{"action":"execute","command":"'.$message.'"} to '.$client->name); $this->send($socket,'{"action":"execute","command":"'.str_replace('\\','/',$message).'"}'); } } public function getByType($type){ $clients =array(); foreach ($this->connected as $client) if($client->type == $type) $clients[] = $client; return $clients; } private $lastMessage; } require_once('constant.php'); logs("Launch Program"); $client = new ClientSocket('',SOCKET_PORT,SOCKET_MAX_CLIENTS); $client->start(); class ClientDevice { public $id,$type,$socket,$location,$user; } /** * Class to handle a sockets server * It's abstract class so you need to create another class that will extends SocketServer to run your server * * @author Cyril Mazur www.cyrilmazur.com twitter.com/CyrilMazur facebook.com/CyrilMazur * @abstract */ abstract class SocketServer { /** * The address the socket will be bound to * @var string */ protected $address; /** * The port the socket will be bound to * @var int */ protected $port; /** * The max number of clients authorized * @var int */ protected $maxClients; /** * Array containing all the connected clients * @var array */ protected $clients; /** * The master socket * @var resource */ protected $master; /** * Constructor * @param string $address * @param int $port * @param int $maxClients * @return SocketServer */ public function __construct($address,$port,$maxClients) { $this->address = $address; $this->port = $port; $this->maxClients = $maxClients; $this->clients = array(); } /** * Start the server */ public function start() { // flush all the output directly ob_implicit_flush(); // create master socket $this->master = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die($this->log('Could not create socket')); // to prevent: address already in use //socket_set_option($this->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or die($this->log('Could not set up SO_REUSEADDR',true)); // bind socket to port @socket_bind($this->master, $this->address, $this->port) or die($this->log('Could not bind to socket',true)); // start listening for connections socket_listen($this->master) or die($this->log('Could not set up socket listener')); $this->log('Server started on ' . $this->address . ':' . $this->port); // infinite loop while(true) { // build the array of sockets to select $read = array_merge(array($this->master),$this->clients); $write = NULL; $except = NULL; $tv_sec = NULL; // if no socket has changed its status, continue the loop socket_select($read,$write,$except,$tv_sec); // if the master's status changed, it means a new client would like to connect if (in_array($this->master,$read)) { // if we didn't reach the maximum amount of connected clients if (sizeof($this->clients) < $this->maxClients) { // attempt to create a new socket $socket = socket_accept($this->master); // if socket created successfuly, add it to the clients array and write message log if ($socket !== false) { $this->clients[] = $socket; if (socket_getpeername($socket,$ip)) { $this->log('New client connected: ' . $socket . ' (' . $ip . ')'); } else { $this->log('New client connected: ' . $socket); } $this->onClientConnected($socket); // else display error message to the log console } else { $this->log('Impossible to connect new client',true); } // else tell the client that there is not place available and display error message to the log console } else { $socket = socket_accept($this->master); socket_write($socket,'Max clients reached. Retry later.' . chr(0)); socket_close($socket); $this->log('Impossible to connect new client: maxClients reached'); } if (sizeof($read) == 1) continue; } // foreach client that is ready to be read foreach($read as $client) { // we don't read data from the master socket if ($client != $this->master) { // read input $input = @socket_read($client, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ); // if socket_read() returned false, the client has been disconnected if (strlen($input) == 0) { // disconnect client $this->disconnect($client); // custom method called $this->onClientDisconnected($client); // else, we received a normal message } else { $input = trim($input); // special case of a domain policy file request if ($input == '') { $cmd = ""; $this->log('Policy file requested by ' . $client); socket_write($client,$cmd . chr(0)); // normal case, standard message } else { // custom method called $this->onDataReceived($client,$input); } } } } } } /** * Stop the server: disconnect all the coonected clients, close the master socket */ public function stop() { foreach($this->clients as $client) { socket_close($client); } $this->clients = array(); socket_close($this->master); } /** * Disconnect a client * @param resource $client * @return bool */ protected function disconnect($client) { // close socket socket_close($client); // unset variable in the clients array $key = array_keys($this->clients,$client); unset($this->clients[$key[0]]); $this->log('Client disconnected: ' . $client); return true; } /** * Send data to a client * @param resource $client * @param string $data * @return bool */ protected function send($client,$data) { @socket_write($client, $data); usleep(100); @socket_write($client, ""); } /** * Send data to everybody * @param string $data * @return bool */ protected function sendBroadcast($data) { $return = true; foreach($this->clients as $client) { $return = $return && socket_write($client, $data . chr(0)); } return $return; } /** * Method called after a value had been read * @abstract * @param resource $socket * @param string $data */ abstract protected function onDataReceived($socket,$data); /** * Method called after a new client is connected * @param resource $socket */ abstract protected function onClientConnected($socket); /** * Method called after a new client is disconnected * @param resource $socket */ abstract protected function onClientDisconnected($socket); /** * Write log messages to the console * @param string $message * @param bool $socketError */ public function log($message,$socketError = false) { echo '[' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '] ' . $message; if ($socketError) { $errNo = socket_last_error(); $errMsg = socket_strerror($errNo); echo ' : #' . $errNo . ' ' . $errMsg; } echo "\n"; } } function logs($message) { echo '[' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '] ' . $message.PHP_EOL; } ?>