'u','plugin'=>'d')); //User must have user update right and delete plugin right to perform this action * ``` * @param function action/code to execute * @param array Array wich contain right to execute action * @return print json response */ public static function write($f,$p=array()){ global $myUser,$_,$conf; header('content-type:application/json'); $response = array('errors' => array()); set_error_handler(function($level,$error,$file,$line){ throw new Exception($error." \r\n\r\n ".$file." - L ".$line."");}); try{ foreach ($p as $section => $right) { if(!$myUser->can($section,$right)) throw new Exception('Vous ne disposez pas des droits suffisants pour effectuer cette action'); } $f($_,$response); if(!isset($response['errors'])) $response['errors'] = array(); }catch(Exception $e){ $response['errors'][] = $e->getMessage(); } echo json_encode($response); restore_error_handler(); } } ?>