array('label'=>'Identifiant','type'=>'key'), 'key' => array('label'=>'Clée','type'=>'longstring'), 'value' => array('label'=>'Valeur','type'=>'longstring') ); /** * Get all configurations from database OR session if it was yet loaded * This function is called at start of program and global var '$conf' is filled with response, so use global $conf instead of call this function. * #### Example * ```php * $confs = Configuration::getAll(); * var_dump($confs); * ```. * @return array Array of configurations */ public function getAll() { if (!isset($_SESSION['configuration'])) { $configurationManager = new self(); $configs = $configurationManager->loadAll(); $this->confTab = array(); foreach ($configs as $config) $this->confTab[$config->key] = decrypt($config->value); $_SESSION['configuration'] = serialize($this->confTab); } else { $this->confTab = unserialize($_SESSION['configuration']); } } //Défini / récupère un set de configurations générique public static function setting($name,$settings=null){ if(!isset($settings)) return isset($GLOBALS['setting'][$name]) ? $GLOBALS['setting'][$name] : array(); $GLOBALS['setting'][$name] = $settings; } //Met en page (tableau html) un set de configuration générique public static function html($name){ global $conf; $options = isset($GLOBALS['setting'][$name]) ? $GLOBALS['setting'][$name] : array(); ?> $infos): if(!is_array($infos)): ?> get($key); $infos['attributes'] = empty($infos['attributes']) ? array() : $infos['attributes']; if(isset($confValue)) $infos['value'] = htmlentities($confValue); //retro compatibilité parameters / attributes if(isset($infos['parameters'])){ foreach($infos['parameters'] as $attribute=>$parameter){ if(isset($infos['attributes'][$attribute])) continue; $infos['attributes'][$attribute] = $attribute.'="'.$parameter.'"'; } } $infos['id'] = $key; if(!empty( $infos['placeholder'])) $infos['placeholder'] = '"'. $infos['placeholder'].'"'; if(!empty( $infos['placeholder'])) $infos['attributes']['placeholder'] = $infos['placeholder'] ; $field = FieldType::toHtml($infos,null,array('allowCustomLabel'=>false)); ?>

get('myConfigKey'); // print myConfigKey value * ```. * @param string configuration key * @param string configuration namespace (default is 'conf') * * @return string valeur de la configuration */ public function get($key) { return isset($this->confTab[$key]) ? htmlspecialchars_decode($this->confTab[$key]) : ''; } /** * Update or insert configuration value in database with specified key * #### Example * ```php * global $conf; // global var, contain configurations * echo $conf->put('myNewConfigKey','hello!'); //create configuration myNewConfigKey with value 'hello!' * echo $conf->put('myNewConfigKey','hello 2!'); //update configuration myNewConfigKey with value 'hello2!' * ```. * * @param string configuration key * @param string configuration value * @param string configuration namespace (default is 'conf') */ public function put($key, $value) { $secured_value = encrypt($value); $configurationManager = new self(); if(isset($this->confTab[$key])) { $configurationManager->change(array('value' => $secured_value), array('key' => $key)); } else { $configurationManager->add($key, $secured_value); } $this->confTab[$key] = $value; unset($_SESSION['configuration']); } /** * Remove configuration value in database with specified key * #### Example * ```php * global $conf; // global var, contain configurations * echo $conf->remove('myNewConfigKey'); //delete myNewConfigKey from 'conf' default namespace * echo $conf->remove('myNewConfigKey','myCustomPluginConfig'); //delete myNewConfigKey from 'myCustomPluginConfig' namespace * ```. * * @param string configuration key * @param string configuration namespace (default is 'conf') */ public function add($key, $value) { $config = new self(); $config->key = $key; $config->value = $value; $config->save(); $this->confTab[$key] = $value; unset($_SESSION['configuration']); } }