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Core : fix install on user

idleman 2 years ago
4 changed files with 269 additions and 378 deletions
  1. 73 0
  2. 1 0
  3. 174 378
  4. 21 0

+ 73 - 0

@@ -495,6 +495,67 @@ class Entity {
         return $instance->customQuery($sql, $values, true, $joins);
+    public static function get($options=array()) {
+        $class = get_called_class();
+        $instance = new $class();
+        $connector = $instance->connector;
+        $values = array();
+        $i=0;
+        $filters = array();
+        if(!empty($options['where'])){
+            foreach($options['where'] as $key=>$value){
+                $filter = array(
+                    'operator' => '=',
+                    'field' => $key,
+                    'postoperator' => ''
+                );
+                if(strpos($key,':')!==false){
+                    $infos = explode(':',$key);
+                    $filter['operator'] = $infos[1];
+                    $filter['field'] = $infos[0];
+                }
+                $fieldInfos = $instance->fieldMapping[$filter['field']];
+                $filter['type'] = $fieldInfos['type'];
+                $filter['column'] = $fieldInfos['column'];
+                $connector::processField($filter,$value,$values,$i);
+                $filters[] = $filter;
+             }
+         }
+         if(!empty($order)){
+             foreach ($order as $key=>$clause) {
+                foreach ($instance->fieldMapping as $attribute => $infos) {
+                    $order[$key] = str_replace( $attribute,$infos['column'],$order[$key]);
+                }
+             }
+         }
+         $tableName = $class::tableName(false,$instance);
+         $data = array(
+            'table' => $tableName,
+            'selected' => $selColumn,
+            'limit' =>  !isset($limit) || count($limit) == 0 ? null: $limit,
+            'orderby'  => !isset($order) || count($order) == 0 ? null: $order,
+            'filter' => !isset($filters) ||  count($filters) == 0 ? null: $filters,
+            'fieldMapping' => $instance->fieldMapping
+        );
+        $data['joins']  = array();
+        if($joins!=0){
+            foreach ($data['selected'] as $k=>$column)
+               $data['selected'][$k] = $tableName.'.'.$column;
+            $data = self::recursiveJoining($instance,$data,$joins);
+        }
+        $sql = $connector::select();
+        $sql = Entity::render($sql,$data);
+        return $instance->customQuery($sql, $values, true, $joins,$alterator);
+    }
      * Méthode privée de gestion du join récursif sur les objets liés
      * @category manipulation SQL
@@ -622,9 +683,21 @@ class Entity {
      * @param <Array>  $colonnes      (WHERE)
      * @param <Array>  $valeurs       (WHERE)
      * @param <String> $operation="=" definis le type d'operateur pour la requete select
+     * @deprecated use byId
      * @return <Entity> $Entity ou false si aucun objet n'est trouvé en base
     public static function getById($id,$joins =0 ) {
+        return self::byId($id,$joins =0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Méthode de selection unique d'élements de l'entité.
+     * @param <Array>  $colonnes      (WHERE)
+     * @param <Array>  $valeurs       (WHERE)
+     * @param <String> $operation="=" definis le type d'operateur pour la requete select
+     * @return <Entity> $Entity ou false si aucun objet n'est trouvé en base
+     */
+    public static function byId($id,$joins =0 ) {
         return self::load(array('id' => $id),$joins);

+ 1 - 0

@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ function install_core($parameters,$custom){
 	$admin->name = 'Principal'; 
 	$admin->superadmin = 1; 
 	$admin->state = User::ACTIVE;
+	$admin->meta = json_encode($admin->meta);
 	//create ufr

+ 174 - 378

@@ -1,381 +1,177 @@
-	/** DASHBOARD **/
-	//Récuperation d'une liste de dashboard
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboard_search',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		$filters = array();
-		if(!$myUser->can('dashboard','configure')) $filters['creator'] = $myUser->login;
-		foreach(Dashboard::loadAll($filters,array('label','creator')) as $dashboard){
-			$userName = User::byLogin($dashboard->user)->fullName();
-			$dashboard->user = !empty($userName) ? $userName : $dashboard->user;
-			$dashboard->mandatory = $dashboard->mandatory == 1;
-			$dashboard->default = $dashboard->default == 1;
-			$response['rows'][] = $dashboard;
-		}
-	});
-	//Ajout ou modification d'élément dashboard
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboard_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		if($_['mandatory']==1 && !$myUser->can('dashboard','configure'))  throw new Exception("Vous n'avez pas les droits pour rendre ce dashboard obigatoire",403);
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		$item = Dashboard::provide();
-		if(!isset($_['user']) || empty($_['user'])) $_['user'] = $myUser->login;
-		if($myUser->login!=$item->creator && !$myUser->can('dashboard','configure') && $item->id!=0)  throw new Exception("Vous n'avez pas les droits pour éditer le dashboard d'un autre utilisateur",403);
-		if($myUser->login!=$_['user'] && !$myUser->can('dashboard','configure')) throw new Exception("Vous n'avez pas les droits pour créer un dashboard à un autre utilisateur");
-		$item->user = $_['user'];
-		$item->label = $_['label'];
-		$item->icon = $_['icon'];
-		$item->default = $_['default'];
-		if($item->default) Dashboard::change(array('default'=>0), array('user'=>$item->user));
-		$item->mandatory = $_['mandatory'];
-		if($item->mandatory) Dashboard::change(array('mandatory'=>0));
-		$item->save();
-	});
-	//Récuperation ou edition d'élément dashboard
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboard_edit',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		$response = Dashboard::getById($_['id']);
-	});
-	//Suppression d'élement dashboard
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboard_delete',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','delete');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		$item = Dashboard::provide();
-		if($myUser->login!=$item->creator && !$myUser->can('dashboard','configure'))  throw new Exception("Vous n'avez pas les droits pour supprimer le dashboard d'un autre utilisateur",403);
-		Dashboard::deleteById($_['id']);
-	});
-	//Sauvegarde des configurations de dashboard
-	Action::register('dashboard_setting_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_,$conf;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','configure');
-		foreach(Configuration::setting('dashboard') as $key=>$value){
-			if(!is_array($value)) continue;
-			$allowed[] = $key;
-		}
-		foreach ($_['fields'] as $key => $value)
-			if(in_array($key, $allowed)) $conf->put($key,$value);
-	});
-	//Récuperation d'une liste de dashboardwidget
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_search',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$myFirm,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidgetShare.class.php');
-		$models = DashboardWidget::models();
-		$ranksId = $myUser->getRanksId($myFirm->id);
-		$widgetsQry = "SELECT {{table}}.*,ds.mandatory,ds.sort as sort
-			FROM {{table}}
-			LEFT JOIN ".DashboardWidgetShare::tableName()." ds ON ds.widget={{table}}.id
-			WHERE dashboard=?
-				OR {{table}}.id IN (
-					SELECT widget FROM ".DashboardWidgetShare::tableName()." WHERE (entity=? AND uid=?) OR (entity=? and uid IN (".str_repeat('?,', count($ranksId) - 1) . '?'.")) OR (entity IS NULL)
-				)
-				ORDER BY sort, position DESC";
-		$widgets = DashboardWidget::staticQuery($widgetsQry,array_merge(array($_['dashboard'],'user',$myUser->login,'rank'),$ranksId),true);
-		foreach($widgets as $widget){
-			if(!isset($models[$widget->model])) continue;
-			$model = clone $models[$widget->model];
-			$row = $model->toArray();
-			$row['id'] = $widget->id;
-			$row['width'] = !empty($widget->width) && $widget->width>0 ? $widget->width : $model->defaultWidth;
-			$row['position'] = $widget->position;
-			$row['minified'] = $widget->minified;
-			$row['dashboard'] = $widget->dashboard;
-			if(!empty($widget->foreign('mandatory'))) $row['mandatory'] = $widget->foreign('mandatory');
-			if(!empty($widget->foreign('sort'))) $row['position'] = $widget->foreign('sort');
-			$response['rows'][] = $row;
-		}
-		if(isset($response['rows'])){
-			usort($response['rows'],function($a,$b){
-				return $a['position'] - $b['position'];
-			});
-		}
-	});
-	//Ajout ou modification d'élément dashboardwidget
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$item = DashboardWidget::provide();
-		$item->model = $_['model'];
-		$item->data = $_['data'];
-		$item->position = $_['position'];
-		$item->minified = $_['minified'];
-		$item->dashboard = $_['dashboard'];
-		$item->save();
-	});
-	//Récuperation ou edition d'élément dashboardwidget
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_edit',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$response = DashboardWidget::getById($_['id']);
-	});
-	//Suppression d'élement dashboardwidget
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_delete',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','delete');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['widget']);
-		if(!$widget) return;
-		$dashboard = Dashboard::getById($_['dashboard']);
-		if($widget->dashboard!=$dashboard->id || $dashboard->user!=$myUser->login)
-			throw new Exception("Vous ne pouvez supprimer que vos propres widgets");
-		$widget->deleteById($widget->id);
-		$response['message'] = 'Widget supprimé';
-	});
-	//Resize largeur d'élement dashboardwidget
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_resize',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['widget']);
-		$dashboard = Dashboard::getById($widget->dashboard);
-		if($widget->dashboard!=$dashboard->id || $dashboard->user!=$myUser->login)
-			throw new Exception("Vous ne pouvez redimenssioner que vos propres widgets");
-		$widget->width = $_['width'];
-		$widget->save();
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_refresh',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		$widgets = array();
-		Plugin::callHook('widget_refresh',array(&$widgets));
-		$response['rows'] = $widgets;
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_add',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = new DashboardWidget();
-		$widget->model = $_['widget'];
-		$widget->position = 666;
-		$widget->minified = false;
-		$widget->width = $widget->width> 0 ? $widget->width: $widget->defaultWidth ;
-		$widget->dashboard = $_['dashboard'];
-		$widget->save();
-		$response['message'] = 'Widget ajouté';
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_dashboardwidget_save_position',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$dashboard = Dashboard::getById($_['dashboard']);
-		if($dashboard->user!=$myUser->login) throw new Exception("Vous ne pouvez modifier que vos propres widgets");
-		$dashboard_widgets = DashboardWidget::loadAll( array('dashboard' => $dashboard->id ) );
-		foreach($_['positions'] as $move){
-			foreach($dashboard_widgets as $dashboard_widget){
-				if($dashboard_widget->id!=$move['id']) continue;
-				$dashboard_widget->position = $move['position'];
-				$dashboard_widget->save();
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	/* CLOCK */
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_clock_load',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.clock.php');
-		$widget->content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo json_encode($widget);
-		exit;
-	});
-	/* LOGS */
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_log_load',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		require_once('DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		User::check_access('log','read');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		$widget->title = '30 derniers logs';
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.logs.php');
-		$widget->content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo json_encode($widget);
-		exit;
-	});
-	/* PROFILE */
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_profile_load',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		if(!empty($widget->data('background-color'))) $widget->background = $widget->data('background-color');
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.profile.php');
-		$widget->content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo json_encode($widget);
-		exit;
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_profile_configure',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.profile.configure.php');
-		$content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo $content ;
-		exit;
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_profile_configure_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['id']);
-		$widget->data('background-color',$_['widget-profile-background-color']);
-		$widget->save();
-	});
-	/* HTML */
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_html_load',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		$widget->title = $widget->data('title') != "" ? $widget->data('title') :  'Bloc HTML';
-		if($widget->data('color') != "") $widget->background = $widget->data('color');
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.html.php');
-		$widget->content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo json_encode($widget);
-		exit;
-	});
-	Action::register( 'dashboard_widget_html_configure',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::current();
-		ob_start();
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'widget.html.configure.php');
-		$content = ob_get_clean();
-		echo $content ;
-		exit;
-	});
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_html_configure_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['id']);
-		$widget->data('html',html_entity_decode($_['widget-html-content']));
-		$widget->data('title',$_['widget-html-title']);
-		$widget->data('color',$_['widget-html-color']);
-		$widget->save();
-	});
-	//Récuperation d'une liste de dashboardwidgetshare
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_share_search',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','read');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidgetShare.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$dashboardwidgetshares = DashboardWidgetShare::loadAll(array(), null,  null,array('*'), 1);
-		foreach($dashboardwidgetshares as $dashboardwidgetshare){
-			$row = $dashboardwidgetshare->toArray();
-			$row['widget'] = $dashboardwidgetshare->join('widget')->toArray();
-			$row['for'] = 'Tout le monde';
-			if($row['entity'] == 'rank' ) $row['for'] = 'Rang: '. Rank::getById($row['uid'] )->label;
-			if($row['entity'] == 'user' ) $row['for'] ='Utilisateur: '. User::byLogin($row['uid'] )->fullName();
-			$response['rows'][] = $row;
-		}
-	});
-	//Ajout ou modification d'élément dashboardwidgetshare
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_share_save',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidgetShare.class.php');
-		//DashboardWidgetShare::create();
-		$item = DashboardWidgetShare::provide();
-		if(!isset( $_['widget']) || !is_numeric($_['widget'])) throw new Exception("Widget non spécifié ou invalide");
-		$item->widget = $_['widget'];
-		$item->mandatory = 1;//$_['mandatory'];
-		if(isset($_['entity'])){
-			$item->entity = $_['entity'];
-			$item->uid = $_['uid'];
-		}
-		$item->sort = !isset($_['sort']) ? 0 : $_['sort'];
-		$item->save();
-	});
-	//Récuperation ou edition d'élément dashboardwidgetshare
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_share_edit',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidgetShare.class.php');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
-		$response = DashboardWidgetShare::getById($_['id'],1)->toArray();
-	});
-	//Suppression d'élement dashboardwidgetshare
-	Action::register('dashboard_widget_share_delete',function(&$response){
-		global $myUser,$_;
-		User::check_access('dashboard','delete');
-		require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidgetShare.class.php');
-		DashboardWidgetShare::deleteById($_['id']);
-	});
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','read');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	$filters = array();
+	if(empty($_['scope']))  throw new Exception('Portée non spécifiée');
+	$filters['scope'] = $_['scope'];
+	if(empty($_['uid'])) $filters['uid'] = $_['uid'];
+	$dashboard = Dashboard::load($filters);
+	$widgets = DashboardWidget::loadAll(array('dashboard'=>$dashboard->id));
+	$response['widgets'] = array();
+	foreach($widgets as $widget){
+		$response['widgets'][] = $widget->toData();
+	}
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','read');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	if(empty($_['id']))  throw new Exception('Id non spécifiée');
+	$response['item'] = DashboardWidget::getById($_['id'])->toArray();
+	global $_,$myUser;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	$filters = array();
+	if(empty($_['scope'])) throw new Exception('Portée non sépcifiée');
+	$filters = array('scope'=>$_['scope']);
+	if(!empty($_['uid'])) $filters['uid'] = $_['uid'];
+	$dashboard = Dashboard::load($filters);
+	if(!$dashboard) throw new Exception("Tableau de bord introuvable");
+	$widget = new DashboardWidget();
+	$widget->dashboard = $dashboard->id;
+	if(isset($_['row'])) $widget->row = $_['row'];
+	if(isset($_['column'])) $widget->column = $_['column'];
+	$widget->save();
+	$response = $widget->toData();
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	if(empty($_['widget']['id'])) throw new Exception('Aucun identifiant renseigné');
+	if(!isset($_['widget']['column'])) throw new Exception('Colonne non spécifiée');
+	if(!isset($_['widget']['row'])) throw new Exception('Ligne non spécifiée');
+	$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['widget']['id'],1);
+	if(!$widget) throw new Exception('Widget introuvable');
+	$widget->column = $_['widget']['column'];
+	$widget->row = $_['widget']['row'];
+	$widget->save();
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	if(empty($_['widget']['id'])) throw new Exception('Aucun identifiant renseigné');
+	if(!isset($_['widget']['width'])) throw new Exception('Largeur non spécifiée');
+	if(!isset($_['widget']['height'])) throw new Exception('Hauteur non spécifiée');
+	$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['widget']['id'],1);
+	if(!$widget) throw new Exception('Widget introuvable');
+	$widget->width = $_['widget']['width'];
+	$widget->height = $_['widget']['height'];
+	$widget->save();
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','delete');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	if(empty($_['widget']['id'])) throw new Exception('Aucun identifiant renseigné');
+	$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['widget']['id'],1);
+	if(!$widget) throw new Exception('Widget introuvable');
+	DashboardWidget::deleteById($widget->id);
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','read');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	$response['rows'] = array();
+	foreach(DashboardWidget::model() as $model){
+		$row = $model->toArray();
+		$row["excerpt"] = truncate($row["description"], $length = 100, array('html'=>true)) ;
+		if($row["description"] == $row["excerpt"]) $row["description"] = '';
+		$row['created'] = date('d-m-Y',$row['created']);
+		$response['rows'][] = $row;
+	}
+	unset($response['rows'][DashboardWidget::MODEL_NEW]);
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','read');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	$response['rows'] = array();
+	$widgets = array();
+	$filters = array();
+	if(empty($_['scope']))  throw new Exception('Portée non spécifiée');
+	$filters['scope'] = $_['scope'];
+	if(empty($_['uid'])) $filters['uid'] = $_['uid'];
+	$dashboard = Dashboard::load($filters);
+	foreach(DashboardWidget::loadAll(array('dashboard'=>$dashboard->id)) as $widget){
+		if(!isset($widgets[$widget->model])) $widgets[$widget->model] = array();
+		$widgets[$widget->model][] = $widget;
+	}
+	foreach(DashboardWidget::model() as $model){
+		if(!isset($model->content) || is_string($model->content) || !isset($widgets[$model->model]) ) continue;
+		$method = $model->content;
+		foreach($widgets[$model->model] as $currentWidget)
+			$method($currentWidget);
+			$response['rows'][] = $currentWidget;
+	}
+	global $_;
+	User::check_access('dashboard','edit');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'DashboardWidget.class.php');
+	require_once(__DIR__.SLASH.'Dashboard.class.php');
+	if(empty($_['id'])) throw new Exception('Aucun identifiant renseigné');
+	$widget = DashboardWidget::getById($_['id'],1);
+	if(!$widget) throw new Exception('Widget introuvable');
+	$widget->fromArray($_);
+	$widget->save();

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ <?php
+global $myUser,$conf;
+if(!$myUser->can('dashboard','read')) return;
+    $dashboard = new Dashboard();
+    $dashboard->uid = $myUser->login;
+    $dashboard->scope = "home";
+    $dashboard->save();
+<div class="plugin-dashboard">
+    <div class="row">
+        <div class="col-md-12">
+            <div data-type="dashboard" id="home-dashboard" data-scope="home" data-uid="<?php echo $myUser->login ?>"></div>
+        </div>
+    </div>