1.1Revolution Education LtdDS13072010-05-26RTCI2CDIPRTCDS1307THTDS1307 I2C Real Time ClockConnect this pin to a 32kHz watch crystalConnect this pin to a 32kHz watch crystalConnect this pin to the positive connection of a 3V battery or connect to 0V (ground) to operate the device without a backup battery supplyConnect to the 0V (ground) of the power supply in your circuitConnect this pin to the 'I2C Data' (SDA) signal of the controllerConnect this pin to the 'I2C Clock' (SCL) signal of the controllerThis pin is an open-collector output which can generate a square wave signal when the clock is running. To use this output with a digital input a pull-up resistor to the postive rail of the power supply must be fittedConnect to the positive rail of the power supply in your circuit