nvillar Peppermill Power Board 2010-02-05 power supply power harvesting human-generated power 24 V 100 mA http://research.microsoft.com/peppermill The Peppermill Power Board (PPB) lets you turn a geared DC motor into a human-powered device. It also doubles as a sensor that provides information about the direction and rate of turn. HOW TO USE Attach the terminals of a geared DC motor to the grey connector. Use the white switch to select the maximum operating voltage for your target circuit (2.5, 3.3 or 5.0 Volts), and connect the PPB to your target circuit using the header pins. The pins labelled V+ and GND provide a regulated power supply, and pins Speed and Direction can be connected to analog inputs on a microcontroller. The PPB has a built-in PIC microcontroller and an array of LEDs to provide instant feedback about the direction and rate of turn. To use this feature, set the black switch to CAL (Calibrate). Give the motor a quick turn, until you see the LEDs light up briefly. Set the switch to RUN, and when you turn the motor the LEDs should light up in a sequence that matches the direction and rate of turn. Onboard PIC general-purpose IO

Supply Ground

Onboard PIC programming pin (Programming Voltage)

Onboard PIC programming pin (Clock)

Onboard PIC programming pin (Data)

+ connection for motor

- connection for motor

Regulated positive supply voltage

Direction (Analog Output)

Speed (Analog Output)